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Company Info
Divine HR Solutions Pvt Ltd
Mumbai, India

Company Description:

Divine HR Group is a Renown Name in Recruitment Business Since Years, We are into this business since 2008 and places more than 10000 jobseekers globally.

Divine HR Group is an umblrella which undertake various HR Activies with different diffrent verticals 

1. Divine HR Solutions (Very Well Known globally for Specialized Hospitaliy Recruitment's 

2. Divine HR Solutions Plus (Specially designed Executive Search/Head Hunting Company for across the industries

3. Hire Mestro (Its a Prepaid Recruitment, A Specially designed vertical for Start up's)

4. ABC Recruit (An Initative to empower big women work froce, who have left the industry due their family commitment, this Vertical bring them in light by giving them their due by offering recruitment assignments to work from home)

5. Impulse Management Service (This Vertical service designed for those company who doesnt want to have their own HR Department, We operate their HR needs unders their company premises)

More verticals to be add soon under this umbrella 

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