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One Tongue for cultural and language solutions
San Francisco, CA, United States

Company Description:

One Tongue is a leading language service provider that promotes unity across different cultures through the acquisition of language skills and provision of translation services. We believe that language is the single greatest asset that brings people together, breaking down the barriers which create a cultural divide. We are devoted to providing our clients with an integrated approach through programs that explore cultural norms as well as language. Our goal is to ensure that people comprehend not only the spoken word, but capture the layered meaning which is built on history, nuance and native idioms. At the end of the day, we want people to truly understand each other, in all of their rich diversity.

Since our founding, we have assisted thousands of people in their journey to learn a new language. One Tongue has helped build a world that overcomes the limits of language and opens a window on different cultures and traditions. We are now based on six continents and have created a global network of associates, partners, and highly qualified linguists and trainers. We are very proud of the multiple services we offer, and extend a warm invitation to all who wish to join the One Tongue community.

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